Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The world is full of people. There are people. Human beings which are just living creatures. Basic tasks performed and done. But the sad part enters itself when the mind plays its game. That is when everything and everyone changes. Anyway, froog that. It sounded like I was going somewhere with that. So I shall stop.

Why are you not smiling? What is it with this place. Faded and worn out faces. Things around me are too familiar and too comfortable. What do we need anyway? Do you think this is all done sober? What if it all has to do with that state of mind? What if one can do it without any herbal help? What if one can function the mind in such a way that it appears to the individual that the state of highness has been achieved? What is the point? I always miss the point.

What does it all mean? What is the answer to the question? How can that be any good? He wanted to find a way to answer the meaning of life and everything in the universe. Distraction. Lol . It all comes down to the lower part of it all. Down there is heaven. The meaning of our existence lies in the underneath. That is the answer. And here should the lesson end.

There is no secret. It all boils down to the state of being blank. Think hard and think away. I don't feel too good. Nausea arises. WTF. What are you doing. Where are you going. What is this about. Where is the point. What is my point. What is the point of it all.

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