So now I want something new on this. I've been doing a lot of creativity-abundant and super-cool postings in here. I've been at this for awhile. Thank you, you're too kind. Yes, so I've quite a decent blog put up and I would want everyone reading to know that this whole idea and its related activity has been an awesome experience. You should try it if you suck as an individual. Its like self-preservation. What? I believe we have a contradiction again. Its an omnipresent feature here.
Blogging to me is like putting a pencil up your nose. That was irrelevant. Anyway, blogging is about thinking what you're gonna type in your posts, and finally typing what you're actually not thinking. Its an escape. You can let things out of you and see it pasted here in such a pretty manner. Then you feel nice about the job you did and you feel nice about what you typed out. Its much easier typing about sad happenings rather than happy times. So we tend to use this as a friend for confessions and reasoning and sorting it all out. It helps. Yes, bloggers don't have a life. Totally not. We're nice people though. Really friendly.
But this post was not about introspection. This was out of necessity. I haven't got anything on this blog since a long time. I thought I'd pop up with some new stuff. But ah, I still am doing what I was good at. The same old thing. This. I wanted a new edge to this post. A new madness. A freshness that I wanted to revive. I love these phrases I add to my deliverance. And freaky comparisons are also pretty much common. Hey, its nice to hear from me again ain't it?
Funny how it feels when there's nothing to say. I'm wrapped in cellophane.
But I'm a happy man. Things have happened around me that have made me very glad. Aw, and thinking about it is making me smile. Its good and great. Its beautiful. Who is the man of the hour? I think nucking futs has a rocking ring to it. But its deinitely not cool. Lick the wetness. All of it. We're taking over this town. Doh!
I don't like people. I hate this world. I'm a loner. I wrote like a really sad song two years ago. Here.
This song has been removed due to copyright issues.
Oh, I love myself. That is why I'm a poet. And that is why I talk like one. And that is why I make sense all the time. And that is why I think so much. Which is why you love me so very much. Here ends the lesson.
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